Frequently Asked Questions

Are there actual takeaways from the sessions or is it mostly information about the techniques?

You will have instant access on your smartphone or computer and those include:
• Class materials for each week  
• Movement and mindfulness video practices  
• Recordings of material covered in class (only Jane's camera will be recorded)
• Direct communication within the platform A mobile app for "on the go” support            
....and more.

Will I have tangible things I can start doing to alleviate stress?

Yes - You'll be introduced to a number of somatic practices through the course and look for ones that work for you ). Some use external resources and some are internal (i.g. physical body parts or sensations), which means you can use those practices even if you are outside or in public. There are also videos of Jane doing the practices on the platform so I personally play those videos when I am at home : ) There will be plenty of room during class for participants to ask questions as well as on the app.

How many people are in the group?

We have up to 12 people. + jane and an assistant for each session

How does Jane provide personal techniques or exercises to do if there are people in the session with different concerns?

That is the beauty of the facilitation, we get to see in real time how different needs and concerns are addressed. As far as I have observed, all practices are adaptable in some form that Jane offers.